Mexico: Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-035-SCT-2-2022, Trailers, semi-trailers and converters – Safety specifications and test methods.
Mexico has published a draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-035-SCT-2-2022, Trailers, semi-trailers and converters – Safety specifications and test methods.
The standard establishes the minimum safety and operating specifications that must be met by new or used trailers, semi-trailers and converters that are incorporated into the territory of the United Mexican States and is applicable to manufacturers and importers of trailers and/or semi-trailers and/or converters from its entry into force.
It is applicable to trailers and semi-trailers with a design gross vehicle weight greater than 14,000 kg, as well as converters with a design gross vehicle weight greater than 9,000 kg.
For the circulation of a trailer, semi-trailer or converter manufactured or marketed in Mexico, the manufacturer or importer must have a certificate of compliance with this Official Mexican Standard, indicating that the trailer, semi-trailer or converter, with its corresponding vehicle identification number (VIN), structured according to NOM-001-SSP-2008, meets the requirements of the Standard.
PROY-NOM-035-SCT-2-2022 is not harmonized with the international standard because there was no matching reference at the time of its preparation.
The full text of the standard can be accessed HERE.