Colombia: New draft technical regulation for braking systems
Colombia has published a Draft Resolution of the Ministry of Transport expanding the technical regulations applicable to braking systems and their components for use in motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers and introducing other provisions.
The notified draft resolution establishes the technical regulations applicable to braking systems and their components for use in motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers sold in Colombia, with the aim of preventing or minimizing risks to the life and health of road users, as well as preventing practices likely to mislead consumers.
The resolution will apply to the vehicle types provided for in Regulations UN-R13, UN-R13-H, UN R-131, UN R-139, UN R-140 and UN R-152 in FMVSS Standards 105, 121, 126 , 135 and 136, as applicable, therefore, those not incorporated in the respective scopes of application of international regulations and standards are excluded.
The producers and suppliers of the vehicles contemplated in this Title must obtain, for the braking systems incorporated in them, the respective Product Conformity Certificate that covers the technical requirements and tests referred to in article 6 of this Resolution, in consideration of the risks that are intended to be prevented, mitigated or avoided.
Besides the whole vehicle, the regulation is also applicable on the component level. Its provisions apply to the producers and suppliers of replacement brake lining assemblies, replacement drum brake linings, replacement brake lining assemblies used for parking braking systems, drums and replacement brake discs for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, which are marketed in Colombia.
However, there exists an exemption for discs, drums, brake lining assemblies and drum brake linings when they are original parts.