Mexico: New standard for roadworthiness inspection of vehicles with gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3,857 kg
Mexico has published a response to the comments on the Draft Official Mexican Standard PROY-NOM-236-SE-2020, Motor vehicles – Physicomechanical conditions of vehicles with gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3,857 kg, whose first version was published on 12 January 2021.
The standard itself establishes the technical inspection criteria to determine the physical and mechanical conditions of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight that does not exceed 3,857 kg, to circulate under safe conditions in the national territory.
Likewise, it determines the minimum requirements and obligations that must be fulfilled for the conformity assessment, the authorized organisms for the technical inspection of the physical and mechanical conditions of the vehicles.
The standard should be read jointly with NMX-D-228-SCFI-2015 Criteria, procedures and equipment for reviewing the physical and mechanical conditions of motor vehicles in circulation whose gross vehicle weight does not exceed 3,857 kg.
The response to the comments about the draft standard is available HERE.