Colombia: New regulations for motorcycles
Colombia has published two regulatory drafts applying to motorcycles:
- Proyecto de resolución “Por la cual se adopta el Reglamento Técnico aplicable a sistemas de frenado y sus componentes, para uso en vehículos tipo motocicleta” (Draft Resolution “Adopting the technical regulation applicable to braking systems and their components, for use in motorcycle-type vehicles”)
- Proyecto de Resolución del Ministerio de Transporte “Por la cual se expide el Reglamento Técnico aplicable a llantas neumáticas para motocicletas y se dictan otras disposiciones”; (Draft Resolution of the Ministry of Transport “Issuing the Technical Regulation applicable to pneumatic tyres for motorcycles and setting forth other provisions”)
The notified draft Resolutions establishe the technical requirements applicable to braking systems and their components and to pneumatic tyres intended for motorcycle-type motor vehicles marketed in Colombia, with a view to preventing or minimizing risks to human life and health, and preventing practices likely to mislead consumers.
They are mostly based on UN and USA regulations, respectively:
- Regulation No 78 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE), Regulation No 90 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 122
- Regulation No 75 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 119
The text of the resolution is available HERE.
To find out more about the vehicle regulations and the certification of vehicle and motorcycle components in Colombia, do not hesitate to contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research.