USA: New measure on the Vehicle Sound Measurement published in California
California has published a new measure on the Vehicle Sound Measurement. The measure has been prepared in a joint action by the California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, California Highway Patrol, State of California.
The proposed Rule amends rules to health, safety, and welfare of California residents, workers, and environment through establishing procedural standards for sound level measurements to be used by manufacturers of new motor vehicles.
Pursuant to Division 12, Equipment of Vehicles, commencing with Section 27200 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC), the CHP shall establish test procedures for new motor vehicle noise emissions, taking into consideration the procedures published by SAE International. The currently referenced SAE standards in the CCR have become obsolete and are no longer recognized by SAE International.
This amendment makes substantive changes to ensure California sound–level measurement procedures for new motor vehicles align with current SAE standards. This amendment will repeal obsolete SAE testing procedures, presently adopted in Title 13, CCR, Section 1046, and adopt the most currently recognized SAE standards. This amendment removes repealed authority–cited sections and includes a definition for the terms “sound” and “noise” in Title 13, CCR, Section 1041.