EmissionsEU: Vehicle emissions – procedure for approving innovative technologies

December 21, 20230

EU: Vehicle emissions – procedure for approving innovative technologies


The EU legislation on the CO2 emissions performance of new passenger cars and vans (Regulation (EU) 2019/631) requires the Commission to establish a procedure for approving innovative technologies as eco-innovations in such vehicles.  Now, a draft implementing regulation in this regard has been published.

The regulation defines “innovative technology” as a technology that has been fitted in 3 % or less of all new passenger cars registered in the Union in the year n-4 for applications related to passenger cars or in 3 % or less of all new light-commercial vehicles registered in the Union in the year n-4 for applications related to light commercial vehicles, with n being the year of application, or a combination of such technologies with similar technical features and characteristics and for which the CO2 savings can be demonstrated using one methodology.

Manufacturers or suppliers can submit applications suggesting an eco-innovation through innovative technology. These applications need to present a methodology encompassing all essential elements for accurately gauging CO2 emission reductions. This involves identifying a suitable baseline, defining specific testing conditions, and considering the real-world application of the innovative technology. The application must also include a verification report from an independent, certified body, confirming the eligibility and qualifications of the innovative technology.

To streamline the certification process for CO2 savings, applicants should have the option to propose a simplified evaluation method or predefined CO2 savings in addition to a detailed testing methodology. However, when utilizing such simplified methods or predefined savings, certification authorities should determine savings conservatively, reflecting the lowest demonstrated level of savings.

Upon receiving an application from a manufacturer or supplier, the Commission will assess its completeness and content. Within a period of 9 months, the Commission will make a decision on whether to approve the eco-innovation.

The full text of the regulation is available HERE.

To find out more about EU vehicle regulations and emissions, please contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research directly.

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