Argentina: New regulation for hydrogen vehicles
Argentina has published Draft Resolution No. 12/23- MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on Hydrogen Vehicles and Fuel Cells.
The purpose of the notified draft is to establish the technical requirements that hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles must meet, regarding the safety of their compressed hydrogen storage systems and the specific components of these systems, with the purpose of improving road safety in the States Parties of MERCOSUR.
This Regulation applies to vehicles of categories M and N that incorporate compressed hydrogen storage systems.
The Regulation uses as a basis UN Regulation No. 134 – Uniform provisions relating to the approval of hydrogen vehicles, are adopted as requirements corresponding to the “MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on Hydrogen Vehicles and Fuel Cells.” engine and its components in relation to the safety performance of hydrogen vehicles, annex to the 1958 Agreement of WP.29.
The full text of the draft is available HERE.
To find out more about vehicle regulations and vehicle compliance in Argentina and worldwide, please contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research directly.