EmissionenEU: New draft vehicle emissions regulations (Euro 7)

Juli 22, 2024

EU: New draft vehicle emissions regulations (Euro 7)


The EU Commission has announced two new legislative initiatives linked with the Euro 7 emissions regulation, regarding:

  • methods and tests for Euro 7 on-board monitoring systems
  • methods, tests and requirements for Euro 7 emissions type approval of cars and vans.

The first initiative sets out the methods, requirements and tests for Euro 7 emissions type approval of on-board monitoring systems for cars and vans (M1 and N1 categories). This implementing regulation covers:

  • on-board fuel consumption monitoring devices and on-board diagnostics and monitoring systems
  • anti-tampering, security and cybersecurity systems
  • environmental vehicle passport (EVP) format and data and off-board communication methods
  • in-vehicle display of environmental data.

The second sets out the methods, tests and requirements and methodologies for Euro 7 emissions type approval of cars and vans (M1 and N1 categories). This implementing regulation also covers:

  • conformity of production
  • in-service conformity
  • market surveillance.

It will ensure effectively implementing the legislation in this area (Regulation (EU) 2024/1257).

To find out more about EU vehicle regulations including vehicle emission regulations, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research Directly.

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