HeimKategorieFahrzeugsicherheitsarchiv – Institut für globale Automobilregulierungsforschung

Colombia: Postponement of several technical regulations for vehicles

Colombia: Postponement of several technical regulations for vehicles   Colombia has recently published several regulations postponing the entry into force of technical requirements for motor vehicles. The Republic of Colombia has notified the following Resolutions: Resolution No. 20223040044585 of 2 August 2022 issuing the Technical Regulation applicable to braking systems and their components for use...

Kenya: New automotive standards

Kenya: New automotive standards   Kenya has published several new standards for vehicles.  These are: DARS 2045:2024 Telescopic shock absorbers for automobile suspension damping — Specification DARS 2043:2024 Road vehicles — Fuel filters — Specification DARS 2041:2024 Oil filters — Specification The first one specifies the general performance requirements and test methods for telescopic shock...

EU: New planned regulations for on-board diagnostics and RMI

EU: New planned regulations for on-board diagnostics and RMI   The EU Commission has announced its intention to issue further implementing regulation for on-board diagnostics and repair and maintenance information (RMI) for vehicles. This initiative elucidates the cybersecurity and access control measures that vehicle manufacturers can implement for on-board diagnostic and repair & maintenance information...

China: Four new draft GB standards for vehicles

China: Four new draft GB standards for vehicles   China has published four new draft GB standards for vehicles.  These are: National Standard of the P.R.C., Fuel consumption limits for passenger cars (new version of GB 19578—2021) National Standard of the P.R.C., Motor vehicles-windshield demisting and defrosting systems technical specification (new version of GB 11555-2009)...

USA: Updates to update FMVSS No. 207 “Seating systems”.

USA: Updates to update FMVSS No. 207 “Seating systems”.   USA is considering an update of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards No. 207 “Seating systems”. As part of its safety mission, NHTSA issues Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSSs) and other regulations for new motor vehicles and equipment to save lives, prevent injuries, and...

EU: Final version of the regulation for type approval templates of vehicle safety systems

EU: Endgültige Fassung der Verordnung für Muster für die Typgenehmigung von Fahrzeugsicherheitssystemen Die Europäische Kommission hat eine endgültige Fassung einer Durchführungsverordnung mit Vorschriften für die Anwendung der Verordnung (EU) 2019/2144 (Allgemeine Sicherheitsverordnung II) hinsichtlich Mustern für die Genehmigung des intelligenten Geschwindigkeitsassistenzsystems, des Fahrerassistenzsystems und der Sicherheitssysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge veröffentlicht.

China: Updates to the GB standard for vehicle braking systems

China: Aktualisierungen des GB-Standards für Fahrzeugbremssysteme China hat einen aktualisierten Nationalen Standard der Volksrepublik China, Technische Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für Bremssysteme für Personenkraftwagen (GB 21670—XXXX), veröffentlicht. Das Dokument legt die Sicherheitsanforderungen und Prüfverfahren für Bremssysteme für Personenkraftwagen fest. Es gilt für Fahrzeuge der Kategorie M1. Für...

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