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Philippines: New Fuel Economy Labeling Program

Philippines: New Fuel Economy Labeling Program   Philippines has published a new regulation on fuel economy labelling: Draft Implementing Guidelines of the Philippine Transport Vehicles Fuel Economy Labeling Program on Fuel Economy Label of Road Transport Vehicles (VFELP-IG on FEL-RTV). The Implementing Guideline IG covers all road transport vehicles indicated under Section 5 of the...

Ecuador: New regulation for brake fluids for hydraulic systems

Ecuador: New regulation for brake fluids for hydraulic systems   Ecuador has published a new regulation for brake fluids for hydraulic systems: Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano PRTE 031 (2R) “Líquido de frenos para sistemas hidráulicos. It will come into force on 1 April 2025. The regulations references the international standard ISO 4925. Furthermore, the following packaging...

India: New Automotive Industry Standards 2024

India: New Automotive Industry Standards 2024   India has recently published several new/revised AIS (Automotive Industry Standards). AIS are technical standards for the automotive sector in India. These standards are aligned with the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR), which outline the conditions under which automotive products in India can obtain a Type Approval Certificate (TAC)...

Denmark: New Executive order on technical requirements for vehicles and their equipment and use

Denmark: New Executive order on technical requirements for vehicles and their equipment and use   Denmark has published a new law on technical requirements for vehicles.  Several categories are in scope: Cars (M1, M2, M3), trucks (N1, N2, N3), motorcycles (2- and 3-wheelers), mopeds, tractors, non-road mobile machinery, trailers (O1, O2, O3, O4) and agricultural...

Egypt: Update of requirements for the VIN number

Egypt: Update of requirements for the VIN number   Egypt has published a new addendum relating to VIN numbers of vehicles. This addendum relates to the notification of Ministerial Decree No. 430/2024, which grants producers and importers a six-month transitional period from the decree’s effective date to comply with the provisions of Ministerial Decree No....

Trinidad and Tobago: Automotive engine oil – Compulsory requirements

Trinidad and Tobago: Automotive engine oil – Compulsory requirements   Trinidad and Tobago has published a new standard: Automotive engine oil – Compulsory requirements PCTTCS 27: 20XX. This standard outlines compulsory requirements for automotive engine oils for use in Trinidad and Tobago. The standard applies to automotive engine oil used in gasoline fuelled vehicles, diesel...

Canada: Planned revision of the CMVSS theft protection standard

Canada : révision prévue de la norme de protection contre le vol NSVAC Partout au Canada, les vols de véhicules à moteur ont augmenté de manière significative, les auteurs employant des tactiques de plus en plus sophistiquées. Reconnaissant les graves conséquences du vol de véhicules sur nos communautés, il est crucial d’explorer des moyens d’améliorer les mesures de prévention du vol et les dispositifs antivol. Alors que les méthodes de vol évoluent rapidement, Transports Canada...

Malaysia : New certification for motor vehicle lubricating oil

Malaisie : Nouvelle certification pour les huiles lubrifiantes pour véhicules automobiles La Malaisie a publié deux nouvelles réglementations : TRADE DESCRIPTIONS (CERTIFICATION AND MARKING OF ENGINE OIL FOR MOTOR VEHICLE) ORDER 2024 (3 pages, en anglais) GUIDELINES FOR CERTIFICATION AND MARKING OF ENGINE OIL FOR MOTOR VEHICLES ( 54 pages, en anglais) Toutes les huiles moteur pour véhicules automobiles...

USA: New FMVSS for hydrogen vehicles

USA : Nouvelle FMVSS pour les véhicules à hydrogène Deux nouvelles FMVSS pour les véhicules à hydrogène ont été proposées aux USA. Un avis fédéral proposait d'établir deux nouvelles normes fédérales de sécurité des véhicules automobiles (FMVSS) spécifiant les exigences de performance pour tous les véhicules à moteur utilisant l'hydrogène comme source de carburant. Les normes proposées sont basées sur la réglementation technique mondiale...
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