Veicoli elettriciChile: Changes to the electric vehicle regulation

Luglio 3, 2024

Chile: Changes to the electric vehicle regulation


Chile has announced a new law changing the existing Supreme Decree Nº 145, of 2017 on electric vehicles.

The following aspects have been taken into consideration by the legislator:

The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications seeks to maintain an updated regulatory agenda, carrying out a process of study and monitoring, both of the current regulations and those that are being developed. The above is related to the various advances, of any kind, presented by the various matters that are the responsibility of this Ministry.

Within the automotive industry, the international technical regulations applicable to electromobility have incorporated a series of advances in the technology applied to electrically propelled vehicles.

In the event of a traffic accident involving an electric vehicle, a rapid recognition of the vehicle by emergency and medical assistance teams is required, in order to reduce the time it takes to care for the victims of the accident. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate more labels in different places on the vehicle, of those already established in Supreme Decree No. 145, cited above, the above with the aim of identifying whether it is an “Electric Vehicle” or a “Hybrid Vehicle”.

A circular label, 83 mm in diameter, printed on a material resistant to environmental conditions, which shall be adhered to the vehicle’s windshield and rear window on its right inner surface (relative to the observer), so that it is easily visible from outside the vehicle. In addition, the same label must be adhered to the cover of the vehicle’s electric power charging connector and to the right side of the vehicle’s rear license plate.

Moreover, currently, for the accreditation of the acoustic vehicle alert system, Regulation (EU) No. 540/2014 or No. 138/2017 (ECE) is used interchangeably, therefore, it is necessary to incorporate said international regulations.

Therefore, the above changes are being made to the decree.

To find out more about vehicle regulations in Chile and South America, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research Directly.
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Plaza MallDova, 21, via Arborilor, Chisinau
Atrio Centro, Al. Jana Pawła II 27, 00-867 Varsavia
+48 575 570 017


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