Omologazione del veicoloUkraine: New vehicle type approval regulation

Dicembre 19, 2024

Ukraine: New vehicle type approval regulation


Ukraine has recently published a draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Some Issues of Approval of the Design of Vehicles, Their Parts and Equipment”.

The draft Resolution proposes the adoption of a Technical Regulation for the approval of vehicle design, parts, and equipment, which will establish safety standards for wheeled vehicles in categories M, N, O, and L, as well as for new parts and equipment to be installed and/or used on these vehicles. The regulation aligns with the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment, and Parts, and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted under these Prescriptions. It also outlines the procedures for vehicle circulation and design approval.

The draft Resolution includes the following key provisions:

  • First State Registration: The initial registration of wheeled vehicles in Ukraine will require a certificate of conformity or a certificate of conformity for individual approval, issued under the Technical Regulation.
  • Market Placement of Pre-Regulation Vehicles and Parts: Vehicles, parts, and equipment that meet the requirements of the Procedure for Vehicle Design Approval (approved by Ministry of Infrastructure Order No. 521, dated August 17, 2012) and were circulated before the Resolution’s effective date may remain on the market, even if they do not comply with the new Technical Regulation.
  • Circulation of Parts and Equipment: Parts and equipment for wheeled vehicles may circulate if accompanied by a type certificate or certificate of conformity issued under the Technical Regulation.
  • Type Certification: Type certificates for wheeled vehicles or their parts and equipment that meet the Technical Regulation requirements will be issued by organizations designated by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine. These organizations, notified under the Agreement concerning Uniform Technical Prescriptions, are referred to as authorized bodies.
  • Certificates of Conformity for Individual Vehicles: Manufacturers or their authorized representatives in Ukraine will issue certificates of conformity for each wheeled vehicle whose type complies with the Technical Regulation and is verified by a type certificate.
  • Individual Approval Certificates: Authorized bodies or certification bodies will issue certificates of conformity for individual approval for new vehicles or batches of parts and equipment that meet the Technical Regulation but lack a type certificate. This also applies to used vehicles requiring first state registration or vehicles that have been modified.
  • Conformity Assessment by Authorized Bodies: Authorized bodies and certification bodies designated by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development prior to the Resolution’s effective date will continue performing conformity assessments under the new Technical Regulation.

To find out more about automotive regulations in Ukraine, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research Directly.
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