Canada: Updates to braking and electronic stability control standards
Transport Canada is proposing revisions to six Technical Standards Documents (TSDs) referenced in the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (MVSR). These updates pertain to braking and electronic stability control standards for various vehicle types.
The proposed changes include updating the Standard Reference Test Tire used for evaluating tire traction and wear during braking and electronic stability control testing. Currently, 14-inch (P195/75R14) radial test tires are used for these assessments. The amendment would replace them with 16-inch (P225/60R16) radial test tires.
Additionally, the amendments propose changes to the method of testing tire performance. At present, testing is conducted under the guidelines of ASTM 1337 – Standard Test Method for Determining Longitudinal Peak Braking Coefficient of Paved Surfaces Using a Standard Reference Test Tire. The update would involve modifying pavement surface friction requirements to accommodate the 16-inch Standard Reference Test Tire.
These proposed revisions are designed to align Canadian regulations with updates made to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 571, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, which came into effect on July 8, 2022.
All Canadians and stakeholders can email feedback to Transport Canada until March 4, 2025.
To find out more about automotive regulations in Canada, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute for Global Automotive Regulatory Research.